时间:2025-02-01 点击数:
Baidus BIDU +7.33% name references an ancient Chinese poem about the pursuit of a dream amid lifes many obstacles. Baidus management, still searching for traction on the mobile search market, can identify. 百度(Baidu)的公司名来源于中国一首关于在人生的重重妨碍中找寻梦想的古诗词──众里遍寻他千百度,仍在想要办法发力于移动搜寻市场的百度管理层,回应有可能也不会感同身受。Second-quarter revenue of 5.5 billion yuan ($861 million) was up 59.8% from a year earlier and at the top end of expectations. Success in attracting more small-business customers helped insulate Baidu from Chinas slowing growth. Guidance for the third quarter was for more of the same.百度是中国市场80%以上安卓手机的配置文件搜索引擎。
该公司预计第三季度的收益快速增长将与之一速度持平。Looking ahead further, though, the outlook is more uncertain. Chinas Internet is changing fast, and in ways that threaten Baidus position as the spider in the center of the web.但再行往前看,前景就不那么明朗了。中国的互联网行业变化很快,对百度的网络巨擘地位包含了威胁。
In the first half of 2012, mobile topped the desktop personal computer as the main entry point for Chinese Internet users. Thats a first. For Baidu, it could be a problem.2012年上半年,手机代替台式电脑沦为中国网民的最主要网际网路工具,这种情况是第一次经常出现。对于百度来说,这有可能意味著困难。
Baidus share of total search-market revenue was 78.6% in the second quarter, according to research firm Analysys. But its share of the mobile market is significantly lower. In the first quarter, Baidu said its share of unique mobile searches was above 50%. Analysts estimate is even lower, just 35%.据研究公司易观国际(Analysys)获取的数据,在第二季度整个搜寻市场的收益当中,百度的份额为78.6%。但它在移动市场的份额近大于这个数字。百度在一季度回应其独立国家移动搜寻份额多达50%。
分析师的估算更加较低,只有35%。Management is moving aggressively to beef up its mobile market share. Baidu is the default search option on more than 80% of Android phones sold in China. Its home page has been optimized for mobile search. And voice recognition will allow users to search without the inconvenience of moving their hands.管理层于是以大力采取措施力争提升移动市场份额。
百度是中国市场80%以上安卓(Android)手机的配置文件搜索引擎。其主页已针对移动搜寻展开了优化。另外,将来通过语音辨识功能,用户不动手就可以展开搜寻。But even if Baidu can dominate mobile search, it might turn out to be less profitable than its PC cousin. Google GOOG -1.29% customers pay less per click for mobile than PC ads, reflecting the diminished appeal of the smaller screen. Revenue-sharing agreements with handset manufacturers, part of Baidus campaign to be the default mobile search option, are generous and could eat into margins.但即使百度需要称霸移动搜寻,到头来这个市场的盈利性有可能也追不上PC市场。
由于屏幕变大造成吸引力上升,谷歌(Google)客户为手机上每一次页面缴纳的费用多于PC广告。百度为沦为配置文件搜索引擎与手机生产商签定了仁慈的收益分为协议,有可能巩固它的利润率。On the second-quarter earnings call, Baidu Chief Executive Robin Li didnt provide updated numbers on Baidus share of mobile market search, or even mobile as a share of Baidus own searches. There was also little guidance on when Baidu expected to monetize its mobile users-Mr. Li said there would be no rush.在二季财报电话会议上,百度首席执行长李彦宏没获取有关移动搜寻市场百度所占到份额的新数字,甚至也没获取百度自己的搜寻量中移动搜寻所占到的比例。对于百度期望何时将其移动用户变为收益来源的问题,该公司也很少透漏──李彦宏说道,这事不急。
A typical Baidu search returns results in a fraction of a second. Baidus search for revenue from the mobile market is set to take rather longer. It wont be long before investors start to demand to see results.百度上的搜寻结果一般都是瞬间表明,但百度在移动市场对营收的“搜寻”很有可能必须更加长时间。用没法多久,投资者就不会拒绝看见“搜寻结果”。