时间:2025-02-12 点击数:
Last month, a Chinese startup opened its first outlet in Shanghai after a few months of testing in its home city, Zhongshan, in southern China.上个月,一家中国初创公司在上海进了第一家无人收银便利店,在此之前,已在中山市测试了几个月。A shopper opens the door – and registers with the startup – through WeChat, the popular messaging app.顾客用于微信扫码登记该公司的服务号后才可门口。Although small, the Bingobox store stocks hundreds of items – including a small selection of fresh foods.缤果盒子便利店虽然地方并不大,但是享有数百种商品,还包括少量生鲜食品。
The customer has to scan each item’s barcode.顾客须要扫瞄每一件商品的条形码。And then pay on their phone, either via WeChat or Alibaba’s mobile wallet app, Alipay.然后在手机上用微信或支付宝缴付。
As you leave the store, a camera checks you’re taking out only the stuff you paid for.离店时,监控不会检查你否只拿走已结账的商品。In-store cameras use facial recognition to check for unregistered users who shouldn’t be on the premises.店内监控利用面部识别系统来辨识不不应经常出现在店内的未注册用户。While each store is unmanned, a human customer support line is available via video link.虽然每间便利店都无人值班,但是通过视频链接之后可取得人工服务。Each Bingobox store is mobile, so the franchise owner can put it where they like.每间缤果盒子便利店都可以移动,所以加盟商可将其摆放在自己讨厌的地方。
A human staffer is needed for stock-taking and refilling purposes – which the startup claims can be done in just 20 minutes.便利店须要专人负责管理清点存货和补货,该公司声称可在20分钟内已完成。The startup is trying to woo franchise owners with the promise that only four staffers are needed to run 40 stores.这家初创公司正在希望更有加盟商,回应仅有须要四名员工才可经营40家门店。