时间:2025-01-17 点击数:
Apple Incs standing in the Chinese smartphone market declined in the second quarter as domestic brands picked up the pace in sales, two new market reports showed.据两份近期的市场报告表明,由于国产手机品牌减缓了销售步伐,二季度苹果在中国市场的地位更进一步上升。In the second quarter, Chinese brand Xiaomi, which shipped 15 million smartphones, pushed Apple out of the top four in terms of market share in China, according to a report released by independent analysis company Canalys.据独立国家分析公司Canalys日前公布的一份报告表明,第二季度国产品牌小米的出货量超过了1500万台,将苹果吸管了中国市场份额前四名的方位。Xiaomi was previously ranked fifth in sales in China, while Apple was at four, according to media reports.据媒体报道,在这之前小米分列在第五,苹果分列在第四。
Huawei Technologies Inc remained the top vendor in China from April-June for the second quarter in a row after shipping more than 23 million smartphones in the market, Canalys data showed.据Canalys的数据表明,在二季度的三个月中,华为的市场份额名列皆为第一,出货量多达了2300万台。Huawei was followed by Oppo and Vivo, which sold 21 million and 16 million units, respectively.而华为之后则是Oppo和Vivo,出货量分别超过了2100万台和1600万台。A separate report from Hong Kong-based technology market research firm Counterpoint also put Apple at fifth in terms of sales in China, after Huawei, Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi, according to a press release last Monday.而在上周一开会的一场新闻发布会上,来自香港的技术市场研究公司Counterpoint的另一份报告某种程度认为,苹果在华的销售仅有位列第五位,领先于华为、Oppo、Vivo和小米。
Apples sales in China grew by 8.2 percent year-on-year in the quarter, 0.3 percentage point slower than in the year-earlier period, while sales growth for Xiaomi accelerated from 11.2 percent year-on-year during the second quarter last year to 13 percent this year, according to the report.报告表明,本季度苹果在华销售量同比快速增长了8.2%,比去年同期的增长速度上升了0.3个百分点,而小米的增长速度则从去年的11.2%快速增长到了今年的13%。