时间:2025-01-28 点击数:
U.S. telecom giant Verizon Communications is set announce on Monday plans to buy Yahoos search and advertising operations for about $5 billion.美国电信运营商Verizon打算周一宣告以约50亿美元并购雅虎的搜索引擎及网络广告工具。Yahoo, which introduced many users around the world to the Internet, announced in February that it was looking at strategic alternatives for its core Internet business.曾多次协助世界上众多用户了解互联网的雅虎公司今年2月宣告将为它的互联网核心业务找寻“战略性替代方案”。Over the last few years Yahoo has struggled to keep up with the changing Internet advertising landscape, with some analysts arguing that it has failed to remain relevant.过去几年,雅虎仍然在希望跟上网络广告生态变化的步伐。
但一些分析人士明确提出,它在市场上早已无关紧要了。Chief executive Marissa Mayer, who came from Google to take the helm in 2012, has made little progress in returning the company to profit. Last week the firm reported a $440 million loss in the second quarter.玛丽莎·梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)2012年离开了谷歌就职雅虎首席执行官,她在让公司转亏为盈方面收效甚微。
上星期,雅虎通报说道它第二季度损失了4.4亿美元。The reported price tag for the deal is well below the firms $125 billion market value at the height of the dot.com boom. In 2008, Yahoo spurned a $44 billion bid from Microsoft.据报雅虎的收购价格近高于它在互联网泡沫时期的高峰市价1250亿美元。2008年,微软公司曾企图以440亿美元并购雅虎,但遭雅虎拒绝接受。
The deal would allow Yahoo to separate its main assets from its holdings in Chinese Internet giant Alibaba, which accounts for most of Yahoos $37 billion market value. It will also allow Verizon to integrate Yahoo with another online acquisition, AOL, to create a digital group capable of taking on the likes of Google and Facebook.Verizon的收购计划可以使雅虎把其主要资产从它在中国网络巨头阿里巴巴所所持股份中挤压出来,这笔资产占到雅虎370亿美元市场价的一大部分,同时可以使Verizon把雅虎和它并购的美国在线拆分一起构成一个集团,与谷歌和脸书这类公司抗衡。The sale is expected to be announced Monday before the U.S. financial markets open.并购预计在星期一美国金融市场大市前宣告。